Hi, Today I discovered your blog. I really like your stuff but a lot of links don't work anymore. I added a lot of comments on links that don't work. I hope that it is possible to fix the links. Really like your christmas freebies from 2010 and 2011. Can you maybe reupload them again the next weeks?
I've added you to my google reader so I won't miss one of your beautiful freebies!
I wish you a merry christmas and a happy scrapping year!
Love from Holland,
Claudia www.tristanvanschie.blogspot.com www.pinterest.com/clautje (collection of PSE-tutorials and daily downloads christmas 2012)
Hi, Today I discovered your blog. I really like your stuff but a lot of links don't work anymore. I added a lot of comments on links that don't work. I hope that it is possible to fix the links.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήReally like your christmas freebies from 2010 and 2011. Can you maybe reupload them again the next weeks?
I've added you to my google reader so I won't miss one of your beautiful freebies!
I wish you a merry christmas and a happy scrapping year!
Love from Holland,
www.pinterest.com/clautje (collection of PSE-tutorials and daily downloads christmas 2012)