13 Ιαν 2012

25 Enamelled Silver PS Styles ASL. Part 1

25 Enamelled Silver Styles ASL
for Adobe Photoshop CC 
 Part 1

3 σχόλια:

  1. Hello Liza!
    I take these...
    Do you make them yourself?

    Coucou Liza!
    Je prend celles-ci...
    Les fabriques-tu toi-même?

    Je ne suis pas très bonne en anglais...


  2. Yes my friend,
    i make all these Graphics
    myself,in Photoshop
    This is the most interesting for me.
    I make all these here just for the Love of creating,
    Thank you so much!

  3. Thank you again for the lovely styles. The ASL file was not in this enamelled silver download either.


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